Is Wearing Black Harmful or Beneficial?


I just ran across this interesting video by Sadhguru, a popular Indian guru I've been following for a number of years.

It was interesting to read the many comments posted by people who refuted by what he had to say based on their own personal experience or personal anecdote, but had no science backing up their opinions.

For those who try to defend wearing black, explain why in the biggest study ever done in sports examining more than 52,000 NHL games that when teams wore their black uniforms, their penalties went up more than 10% on average. When the teams reverted back to their colored uniforms, penalties returned back to their normal levels.

I studied engineering from a top school, so I don't buy into the "woo woo" that we often see in pop spiritual culture. But what Sadhguru says about black is 100% correct.

Black is the color of disease, destruction, and death. Even nature confirms this, where nearly all of nature is in color, and the little that is in pure black is usually connected to disease, destruction, and death — including dental decay, rotten meat, frostbite, ash, smoke, black ants, and other destructive forces.

Black and gray, which is a lighter version of black, has been shown in studies to cause or exacerbate anxiety and depression, as well as aggression. I point out the studies in my best-selling book — The Power of Tattoos.

Sure, black is the "power color" — but it isn't the power we want to connect with, because black is linked to destruction and death.

Some people will often FEEL the illusion of more power or confidence wearing black, because they are absorbing many energies from those around them, which can feel stimulating, and therefore, more "powerful." But again, you don't want to be absorbing people's energies, especially when you don't know what you are absorbing.

When I work with clients and see disease in the body, it appears as black spots. In my consulting practice with individual and corporate clients, I've worked with three clients who had breast cancer and didn't know it. I saw exactly where the breast cancer was located because it looked like black spots of energy — just like X-rays show dental disease and tumors. Those clients discovered they had breast cancer, including my sister-in-law.

From a scientific point of view, black is the absence of color, without life. It is an ENERGETIC BLACK HOLE, absorbing not only heat and light, but other forms of subtle energy, such as emotions, thoughts, and spiritual energy — positive or negative radiating from those around you. When you wear black, you may temporarily FEEL more powerful because you are absorbing people's energy around you, unbeknownst to you unless you are sensitive to these things.

I ran marketing, advertising, branding, and PR for some of the world's largest companies. And having studied how the elements of art profoundly affects our lives, I'm probably the leading expert on this planet who has most studied how color, shapes, images, symbols, and words deeply impact our relationships, finances, mood, and health.

The key to discovery is looking at VIBRATIONAL ENERGY and how it affects our lives. The great 20th century inventor Nikola Tesla said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

The great physicist Albert Einstein said, "Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

As an engineer, I can confirm that everything has a SINGLE FREQUENCY of energy. Check out this stunning video about how one single frequency of sound can create the most amazing shapes:

Imagine how the frequencies of colors, shapes, and words that you surround yourself with are affecting your life — regardless of your beliefs.

After I discarded black from my wardrobe and began wearing red, including red underwear, my sales closing ratio DOUBLED. Red has also been proven in a number of studies to attract more people to you — EVEN WHEN THE COLOR WAS NOT SEEN.

The color red has the longest wavelength and is connected to the ROOT CHAKRA, which is related to core physical needs, stability, groundedness, and PROSPERITY. The prana from the color red is used by Hong Kong banks, which are TWICE as profitable as U.S. banks.

When one of my corporate clients (insurance agency in downtown Chicago for 35 years) turned all the desks so their sales staff faced the direction I gave them along with a couple of other energy tips, they TRIPLED THEIR SALES IN ONE YEAR. The owner was blown away.

I used another energy secret with a jeweler in Minneapolis. She later showed me she used this little energy tip — and she told me that she DOUBLED HER SALES IN ONE YEAR.

This is not about belief. This is about SCIENCE, and the vibrational frequencies that colors emit that powerfully change our life experiences. It is why 20% of jails in Switzerland and many around the world (including the detention center in San Bernardino, CA and a jail in Mason County, Texas) use a specific shade of pink on their walls, after two Naval officers found that it immediately has a calming effect. In fact, the prison ward stated (the quote is in my Tattoo book) that no fights had broken out after they painted the walls this shade of pink. One study found that this shade of pink literally lowers muscle strength within a few minutes.

Imagine healing violence in the world with a single color that has a specific frequency. That is the power that color has on your relationships, finances, mood, and health.

When waitresses wore red in one study, they increased their tips by 20-34%. When they wore red lipstick in another study, their tips increased by 50%!

The Root Chakra is connected to RED prana (energy) and the seat of Feminine energy. This is precisely why multiple studies confirm that female-led companies make more money than male-led companies. Shark Tank billionaire Kevin O'Leary said that he has a 50/50 breakdown of female-to-male-led companies — and HIS FEMALE-LED COMPANIES MAKE TWICE AS MUCH MONEY as his male-led investments.

But a CAUTIONARY NOTE about wearing the color of red: It can expand energy TOO MUCH for some people if they wear it too much, where it increases aggression with its expansive energy to the point of inflammation. So just watch for symptoms of this in your body if you regularly wear red like I do. I can measure when someone's energy field is overly exacerbated when I work with clients.

Don't take my word or Sadhguru's word for it. Take the color test yourself by not wearing black for 6 months at all, and try wearing lighter colors, especially red – even if you are wearing red underwear that is hidden. You'll feel better physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, as well as financially. You will also feel better wearing white, due to its reflective power.

One more note about thoughts and beliefs: The great masters of art, architecture and energy — such as da Vinci, Vitruvius, Plato, and the ancient Egyptian temple masters — knew that it was far easier to change our lives and thoughts by changing the ENVIRONMENT around the human body, because they understood that we go into RESONANCE with vibrational energy around us. The conscious mind is a tricky thing and very limited, because we tend to think about 50k to 60k thoughts a day, which is about 1 thought every 1-2 seconds.

What is far more powerful than our conscious minds? Your UNCONSCIOUS mind and body, which has billions of thoughts going through the billions of cells in your body every single second.

And what is FAR MORE POWERFUL than even your unconscious mind? THE COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS — what some might call "God." This is why using colors, shapes, images, symbols, and art profoundly affects your relationships, mood, finances and health — because it bypasses the mind and directly affects you by connecting YOU to the energy in the Collective Unconscious.

This is why every person I've interviewed for "The Power of Tattoos" book that has the Butterly tattoo — which represents freedom, lightness, and transformation to them — undergoes unwanted life changes. Why? Because the butterfly is homeless, and it is not feminine, but masculine in nature due to its motion and shortened life span. Every person I have interviewed who gets imprinted with the Butterfly tattoo has revolving relationships, revolving jobs, or revolving homes — as they take on the energy of the Butterly. As Oscar Wilde wisely said 130 years ago, "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life."

You are becoming your art.

Your art is not only reflecting your past — your art is creating your future whether you believe it or not. Because science is not impacted by individual beliefs.

There are times when you want to connect with the Butterfly energy, such as when you are going through transitions in your life. But to connect with it 24/7 is unadvisable, as this potent energy can bring a cycle of changes that will create stress in your life if you permanently attach yourself to this beautiful icon of transformation.

Going into resonance with color by inscribing it permanently inscribing it into our skin or wearing on our clothing has indelible effects, just as the NFL and NHL studies demonstrate. Black can not only increase anxiety, but also aggression and depression, as I point out with multiple studies in my book. I believe this is why many studies show that people with more than 3-4 tattoos statistically have increased aggression and mood problems, because black is the predominant color used in tattoos. And tattooed people are going into resonance with this black energy and their symbols and other imprints 24 hours a day. In one study, a doctor in the Iowa area found that people with many tattoos have significantly shorter life spans — up to 15-20 years. If the tattoos were negative, the life spans were even shorter.

This is no laughing matter — and one not to be taken lightly. It's why I spend so much time studying how the elements of art profoundly affect our future. Anxiety, depression, and suicide are at ALL-TIME HIGHS in children, teens, college students, and adults. We are in a crisis an "art and information overload" that is killing us, as the average teen spends NINE HOURS ONLINE EVERY DAY.

This is science and statistics, and any close-minded opinions based on personal anecdotes are irrelevant. Benjamin Franklin said, "Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.” A closed mind leads to victimhood.

You can use art to create the future you want — if you know about the laws of the Universe and study the science of art.

May you all be blessed.

Cary Weldy