Some Pyramids are Beneficial, But Most are Deadly. Here's The Difference.
There is a widespread belief that all pyramids built by the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and other ancient indigenous cultures around the world radiate spiritual energy that is beneficial — and, therefore, all pyramid shapes are sacred and emit special healing energy that can elevate consciousness.
That belief system is false.
As a trained, degreed engineer from a top engineering school in the United States, I’m leery about much of the spiritual “woo woo” that ends up to be widely distributed and causes people problems. It is important to base belief systems on facts, and not just swallowing what is given to you because someone said it was true.
The huge problem with the popular false belief about pyramid structures described above is that many spiritual bookstores, artists, and companies all over the world are making or selling pyramids as art pieces, healing tents to meditate under, or pyramid shapes to hang above the bed — claiming that they will benefit you in some extraordinary way by promising healing, mystical experiences or spiritual advancement, expanded consciousness, a boost in health, stronger immune system, or even elongating life.
This is one example of a Meditation Pyramid sold on Amazon that promises “healing and heart chakra activation” — but it is uncertain how this seller — a distributor of these products and many others, including binoculars, sports protein powders, German beer steins, and shock absorbers for trucks — would actually know that this copper tubing assembly heals and activates the heart chakra. And featuring the product with a yogi meditating underneath the pyramid structure seems spiritual, which helps the product. First of all, promising “healing” is walking on dangerous legal ground by boasting a medical claim without any studies or verifiable proof to substantiate the claim.
Nearly all pyramid-shaped products, however, MEET NONE OF THESE CLAIMS, INCLUDING RADIATING HEALING ENERGY OR ELEVATING SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Instead, nearly all contemporary pyramid-shaped products emit the “Death Ray” known as Vertical Negative Green, which the ancient Egyptians used in some of their pyramids to keep the masses, especially thieves, from raiding the tombs and special chambers. Many people have gotten very sick and some have even died after entering these “Death Ray” pyramids and absorbing the toxic energy radiating within the pyramid structure.
Read a detailed description about the energy of Vertical Negative Green by clicking here.
Relatively few dowsers like myself have been specifically trained in how to detect and measure Vertical Negative Green, the Death Ray. You do not want to experiment with this energy, attempt to measure it if, or be around it if you have not been carefully trained and highly experienced in detecting, measuring, and knowing how to clear this energy from your body afterwards. Otherwise, you are playing with fire.
The energy from Vertical Negative Green (VNG) — the Death Ray — is extremely toxic, producing mummifying effects on the body that rapidly dehydrate the physical body. Leon Chaumery, the French scientist who studied subtle energy with fellow radiesthesist and researcher Antoine de Belizal, died prematurely from VNG poisoning after playing around with shapes (i.e., domes that were in the shapes of disconnected hemispheres — half of a total sphere). His body was found by de Belizal in their laboratory in a dehydrated, mummified state. Following Chaumery’s death, de Belizal and P.A. Morel warned against working with VNG in their second book first published in 1965.
If you ask those stores, distributors, or manufacturers of contemporary pyramid shapes if they have specifically measured the energy from their products and exactly how they performed that measurement, you’ll probably get the same answer: that nearly all of those stores or manufacturers selling pyramids cannot objectively measure Vertical Negative Green or various qualities of beneficial energy — both qualitatively (i.e., what type of energy qualities) and quantitatively (how strong and how far the energy fields radiate).
Unfortunately, many contemporary buildings, such as modern churches, have “uncorrected” domes that have no point on top. Therefore, many contemporary domes in modern architecture also radiate a flood of highly toxic Vertical Negative Green energy, the Death Ray. Anyone standing underneath these domes for a length of time will absorb this toxic energy — regardless of whether or not these domes are part of a temple, cathedral, or other spiritual building.
Absorbing toxic energy can result in “unusual” diseases that quickly appear seemingly without a physical cause, such as someone who gets lung cancer but has never smoked a cigarette or has not been around second-hand smoke. In my experience, the appearance of sudden, unexplained diseases is almost always due to toxic subtle energy fields from Vertical Negative Green or Benker Lines, which are naturally recurring lines in a grid throughout the entire planet.
Why Many Domes and NEARLY ALL Doorways Are ALSO Highly Toxic
The energetic correction of domes is also VERY important. This is why many ancient cathedrals have a cross or lightning rod at the top of these domes, which completely changes the energy from toxic to beneficial. On older domes of cathedrals, for example, this wasn’t just done for spiritual symbolism or for the practical reason of preserving the building in case of lightning. The reason was also for energetic transformation.
The intersection point of a line (vertical component of the cross or lightning rod) that is perpendicular to the dome at the intersection point is enough to create a beneficial spin of energy. Subsequently, the dome as a sort of parabolic shape that focuses energy, will radiate that energy — much like a car headlight shines light from the parabola-shaped lamp.
When I designed and built a high-rise home for a wealthy client, I designed her home with an art gallery and rotunda featuring a dome in the hallway leading to her master suite. But I made sure to energetically correct the dome before we closed up the walls, so that she would receive beneficial energy rather than toxic energy when passing under the dome.
Vertical Negative Green also radiates from most doorways. This is why the recent research from University of Notre Dame Professor Gabriel Radvansky that was published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology found that passing through doorways causes memory lapses. This is due to Vertical Negative Green that radiates from most contemporary doorways. It not only causes memory issues, but also ages the body much more rapidly.
When I design doorways for clients’ homes, I create millwork designs that are similar to how the ancient Greeks and Romans did in classical architecture, which corrects the door to energetically change the radiation in the doorway from toxic to beneficial. The photo of the door casing I used in a home — shown below the Buddhist torii (i.e.., traditional Japanese Buddhist gate) and classical Greek architecture with the cornice sitting on the pillars — features a similar extension of the header that completely changes the energy of the doorway to beneficial.
If you want your doorways corrected to empower your health and you do not want to replace the standard doorway casing styles that are used in 99% of most homes built today, you may send me an email by clicking here and request the Doorway Harmonization Consultation for your home or business.
Case History
Around 2015, one of my clients attended a speaking engagement that I conducted at the Body, Mind, and Spirit Expo in Chicago. He was a highly educated scientist, but he was told that if he purchased a pyramid structure and slept under it, he would benefit form the energy.
So he purchased this pyramid and had been sleeping it for a while prior to attending my talk on energy that included the pyramids. When I asked how he was sleeping, he said, “I have nightmares frequently and don’t have good sleep.” At my suggestion, he immediately removed the pyramid sculpture hanging above his bed.
I contacted him several months later, and asked him how his sleep was. He shared with me that it was much better, and that his nightmares disappeared. He also felt more relaxed and harmonious, versus feeling more tense during the time he had been sleeping under the pyramid sculpture.
This is an example of not only how nearly all contemporary pyramid shapes — including those beautiful pyramid paperweights — can have a detrimental impact on the physical body, but also on the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies of the person. You don’t want to be around products that continually radiate Vertical Negative Green — the energy of death.
The Subtle But Important Difference Between Toxic Pyramids and Beneficial Pyramids
Egyptian wadj, circa 2000 B.C.
The ancient Egyptian temple masters knew how to measure subtle energy, as well as create beneficial energy that elongated life. Ancient pendulums from Egypt have been found with special shapes and very specific engraved markings on them, which produce a field of “divine” energy that is consistent with the energy of Sacred Power Spots, the energy that is found in many spiritual sites, relics of saints, and places such as Native American ceremonial grounds.
The energy of Sacred Power Spots is exactly what the early designers of London did well over 1,000 years ago, which is why London used the energy from Sacred Power Spots, erecting dozens of important buildings, including Buckingham Palace, royal gardens, and many palaces used by the kings and queens of England for centuries (see map below of the Ley Line). The energy of Sacred Power Spots can empower you physically, financially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually — bringing harmony, peace, and prosperity. I believe this is why England was the leading financial and physical superpower, even owning or ruling over one fourth of the world’s land until the 1920s (see map of the British Empire below).
In my talk at the Expo, I showed slides of the differences between pyramids that were specifically designed with the Death Ray to keep thieves from opening the tombs and stealing the treasures buried with the pharaohs and queens — and those pyramids designed with energy emitters that radiate life-giving energy that is beneficial, harmonizing, balancing, and healing.
Notice the very slight indentation down the face of each side of the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt — the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World that remains largely intact. This indentation has been measured to be 1.76 degrees, which is enough to transform the energy from the toxic Vertical Negative Green to the life-giving energy that sustains, balances, harmonizes, and heals.
A number of the Mayan pyramids used a similar technique as the ancient Egyptians to produce beneficial energy within the temple structure, rather than the toxic Vertical Negative Green. The most famous and important archeological site at Chichén Itzá in Mexico is the Kukulkán Pyramid that is also known as El Castillo, or “The Castle” in Spanish. At 40 meters high, the Mesoamerican step-pyramid boasts 365 steps — one for each day of the year. Each of the temple's four sides has 91 steps, and the top platform makes the 365th.
Note the linear staircase running up the center of each side, similar to the subtle indentation on the faces of the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt.
Kukulkán Pyramid at Chichén Itzá in Mexico
A WORD OF CAUTION: It is unadvisable to have any pyramid-shaped structures in your home — especially if you are unable to qualitatively and quantitatively measure subtle energy fields and have not been highly trained in dowsing, including knowing how to clear negative and toxic energy fields from your body and verify it through measurement.
It is important to measure the energies from any product to find out if it is indeed good for you.