Spirit Guides, the Heart Chakra, and Healing the Deep Pain and Loss from Miscarriages or Abortions
Last night, I had an amazing healing experience with an Indian man, whom I will call "Aayansh" for the purposes of sharing this story.
I have a special clairvoyant gift of being able to see anyone's spirit guides standing around that individual. The first time I experienced my gift was about 30 years ago, when I saw the spirit of the deceased husband of my client, “Maxine,” standing next to her. About 10 minutes earlier just prior to our session, I had petted her dog and felt many lumps just under her skin, which where tumors that had quickly spread throughout her body. When I shared with Maxine that I saw this male figure standing next to her, describing what he looked like and what he was wearing, Maxine began to cry. She said that was her husband Jack who had died from cancer a few years earlier, and that tan V-neck sweater I saw was Jack’s favorite sweater. I told Maxine that Jack was going to help her dog Lucy with her cancer. Within 1-2 months, Lucy’s cancer completely disappeared with no sign of any tumors.
Since tapping into my gift, I’ve exercised that spiritual “muscle,” where it has grown much stronger.
In my consultation practice with numerous clients all over the world, it is my experience that spirit guides — usually relatives, but sometimes a protector or physical guardian from a past incarnation — are here with us by agreement, as they often 1) know what our life's purpose and we have come to work on or resolve in this lifetime, and 2) can usually offer spiritual gifts or support, such as a tough grandmother who can inspire that toughness within us, for example. In Maxine’s case, her husband Jack was able to help their dog heal from the condition that Jack himself had experienced.
This is why many spirit guides are grandparents, rather than parents, where the grandparent understands the spiritual lineage, challenges, and unlearned lessons in the “inherited family trauma” cycles that Dr. Mark Wolynn describes in his best-selling book, It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle.
With Aayansh, I saw the spirit of his maternal grandfather standing next to him, and saw also that he had been in some kind of sudden accidental death that slammed his body, causing his ethereal (energy) body (what many would call a "ghost") to forcefully project from his physical body. I shared with Aayansh all of these details that I was seeing.
Aayansh's eyes grew big and his mouth dropped open. He began to cry, explaining that he was with his grandfather in a tragic accident, where his grandfather instantly died. Aayansh was injured and fortunately survived after being unconscious in the hospital for 3 days.
Next, I saw a little girl running around Aayansh, who told me she was the soul that her mother had carried before birth. I asked Aayansh if his mother had miscarried a female who was near delivery, and his eyes got even bigger. “Yes,” Aayansh quietly whispered.
I told Aayansh that the little girl's soul had an important message that he needed to deliver to his mother, who has been carrying tremendous guilt, anguish, and pain. The message from this little girl to me was that Aayansh’s mother had been beating herself up for many years after miscarrying the baby, and that her little girl was okay and happy, and that she would reincarnate into the family soon.
Aayansh was blown away. With tear-filled eyes, he told me that his mother has been punishing herself and beating herself up for many years, because she miscarried as a result of dealing with the intense emotional pain of the sudden tragic death of her father, to whom she was extremely close.
That was the link between her father's spirit and the spirit of her little girl — both of whom showed up for me to give this important message of healing to Aayansh's mother, who needed to hear it.
I find that many women who have lost babies after birth (e.g., SIDS) or miscarried or aborted a fetus in utero suffer from tremendous guilt, often carrying that deep pain and emotional burden their entire lives.
I can clairvoyantly see every single time a mother has either miscarried or aborted AND suffers from deep guilt, because I see the Heart chakra grow dark and cloudy — which is the seat of love and compassion. In every case, I also see a white orb, a white sphere of light that clinging to the back side of the Heart chakra, where a lot of spirit attachments connect to the person.
Sometimes husbands will blame the wife for losing the child, or society will weigh heavy on a mother who loses a child with messages that “you shouldn’t have been smoking or drinking alcohol,” and so forth. One of my clients was unable to have children, for which her husband blamed her.
This white orb of light is exactly what Virginia Hummel photographs under certain conditions, along with other colors of orbs that represent spiritual masters and other spiritual guides, for instance.
I met with Virginia after her speaking engagement at Chicago IANDS, where I had also done a speaking engagement in 2017. We compared notes as to how we both see orbs either in photos or clairvoyantly around someone.
The way that I see the orbs of light that represent the consciousness of the soul's energy is exactly what Virginia Hummel explains in her books, as seen in the numerous photographs she and others have taken.
The orbs of various colors of light will appear especially during individual or group meditations, as seen in many of the photographs in her book. Check out the photographs in her book, as they are amazing.
Many people have mistaken the white spots in photographs as spiritual orbs, when they are actually either drops of moisture in the air or on the lense….or how light plays with tiny particles of dust floating in the air, which the camera lense picks up.
Conversely, orbs of light that are connected to the consciousness and soul of person, for example, have a different texture to them, much like the greenish colored orbs flanking the photo of the boy on Virginia Hummel’s book, Orbs and the Afterlife: Survival of the Soul.
You’ll notice a sort of “energy plasma” effect within the orb of light patterns that move and swirl — rather than simply a more consistent ball of light that lacks any movement, chi, or prana.
The energy field of a Torus
The way that I clairvoyantly see the energy of the Heart chakra is that it runs like a "Torus," which is how the energy of humans, plants, and trees operate.
The toroidal shape of energy is identical to the energy pattern that a spinning ball produces, such as the electromagnetic field that the earth produces when it spins on its axis (see photos).
Energy pattern in a torus shape around trees, humans, and spinning balls, such as Earth.
Another important point: Negative energy that we hold will drift down the body in this flow, and often accumulate around the knees, lower legs, and feet, which is where denser, heavier energy accumulates. This is why many people who have Heart chakra issues also suffer from knee problems, due to the negative, unresolved energy that accumulates from the knees downward.
Many mystics and clairvoyants like myself believe that this is the REAL reason why Jesus allegedly washed the lower legs and feet of the disciples. Some might say that the foot-washing is about removing the dust from the feet and sandals, but there is a deeper, more esoteric and spiritual value to this practice. It is a beautiful example about being of service to others. And from an energetic perspective, this cleansing practice is to wash away the excess and “dirty” energy that has accumulated in the lower part of the body — from the knees down to the feet. Master Co, a leading teacher for Pranic Healing, has emphasized that this third reason for energetic cleansing was the most important purpose for washing the lower legs and feet.
Regarding the Heart chakra, I see the toroidal pattern of the heart energy as well, where the energy from the heart radiates OUT the front, and then comes around the body and goes back into the back side of the Heart chakra, which is often referred to as the "Reverse Heart Chakra." This becomes a circuit of flowing energy, much like the energy in a battery.
What is also important to know is that the back side of the Heart chakra (located between the lower part of the shoulder blades) is the location where not only the souls of fetuses from miscarriages or abortions WHEN the mother hangs on to unresolved grief, but also the exact location where "energy vampires" in our lives "hook" into the body.
My theory of why this occurs is because this area of the body is the area that is the most difficult for us to see — even in a mirror. Because it is also the most difficult area for us to wash in a shower, the energy also gets dirty on the Reverse Heart Chakra when spiritual contamination, such as grief, anger, rage, envy, jealously, and other unresolved negative emotions accumulate.
When I work with clients who suffer unexplained health issues or even spiritual issues, such as patterns of people taking from them, I measure these energy cords that are piped into their Heart chakras, or occasionally other areas of the body.
In my new book — 21 Gifts: Your Inner Child’s Guide to Activate the Law of Attraction for Happiness and Success — I discuss how the Heart chakra becomes dark and cloudy when people hold on to their grief, rather than heal it and restore the joy in their lives.
This is why many people suffer from unexplained chronic physical conditions such as heart and lung problems, and frequently the chronic pattern stems from traumatic events in past lives.
By the way, what most people see as “angels” are usually spirit guides, such as the spirits of deceased relatives. This has been true for millennia, where “angels” who look like humans are actually not angelic beings, per se. Rather, they are the ethereal bodies, or energy bodies, of the souls of humans who have died and are either wandering the earth or purposefully serving as spirit guides for those whom they have traveled in lifetimes before.
If you are interested in a consultation, feel free to contact me on the “Contact” page here.