TWO WORKSHOPS with Cary Weldy — FEBruary 19, 2022
NOTE: These events will follow masking and safe-distancing protocols per Ventura County requirements. Also, the event will be LIVE-STREAMED for those who wish to participate in the comfort of their pajamas in their living rooms!
MORNING WORKSHOP: 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Proven ENERGY SECRETS that Google, McDonald’s, Target, and Aston Martin use to skyrocket their sales and attract new customers.
What Leonardo da Vinci did to ATTRACT more visitors to his work than any other artist in the world.
The ancient wisdom of Directional Pranic Feng Shui secrets used by Hong Kong banks, which enjoy DOUBLE the profits of the average U.S. banks, per the WSJ — and you can too!
Five ways to encode empowering energy fields into your logos, advertisements, and properties to MAGNETIZE SUCCESS.
How to ENERGETICALLY STAGE your home or office to attract customers, increase harmony, and boost prosperity.
The ENERGY CODES behind sacred geometry shapes and how each one affects our lives differently.
How to detect and cut NEGATIVE ENERGY CORDS & CURSES aimed at you, your home, or business.
COST: $99 — or attend both workshops for $158 and save $40
AFTERNOON WORKSHOP: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
healing chronic health, relationship, & financial issues rooted in past lives
RECENT RESEARCH FROM LEADING PSYCHIATRISTS: Why many chronic relationship issues are rooted in past life death injuries.
How PHYSICAL DISEASE usually results from unresolved emotional, mental, and spiritual trauma.
How your FURNITURE & ART reveal where you have been in past lives.
SOUL ARCHETYPES: Why some people and places feel good to you, and why others feel terrible.
How to measure where fatal injuries occurred to your body in your past incarnations.
Discover who YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES are around you, including close relatives who have passed.
Techniques to clear past life oaths of poverty, slavery, and servitude.