TWO WORKSHOPS with Cary Weldy — FEBruary 19, 2022


NOTE: These events will follow masking and safe-distancing protocols per Ventura County requirements. Also, the event will be LIVE-STREAMED for those who wish to participate in the comfort of their pajamas in their living rooms!


MORNING WORKSHOP: 9 a.m. to 12 noon


  • Proven ENERGY SECRETS that Google, McDonald’s, Target, and Aston Martin use to skyrocket their sales and attract new customers.

  • What Leonardo da Vinci did to ATTRACT more visitors to his work than any other artist in the world.

  • The ancient wisdom of Directional Pranic Feng Shui secrets used by Hong Kong banks, which enjoy DOUBLE the profits of the average U.S. banks, per the WSJ — and you can too!

  • Five ways to encode empowering energy fields into your logos, advertisements, and properties to MAGNETIZE SUCCESS.

  • How to ENERGETICALLY STAGE your home or office to attract customers, increase harmony, and boost prosperity.

  • The ENERGY CODES behind sacred geometry shapes and how each one affects our lives differently.

  • How to detect and cut NEGATIVE ENERGY CORDS & CURSES aimed at you, your home, or business.

COST: $99 — or attend both workshops for $158 and save $40

AFTERNOON WORKSHOP: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

healing chronic health, relationship, & financial issues rooted in past lives

  • RECENT RESEARCH FROM LEADING PSYCHIATRISTS: Why many chronic relationship issues are rooted in past life death injuries.

  • How PHYSICAL DISEASE usually results from unresolved emotional, mental, and spiritual trauma.

  • How your FURNITURE & ART reveal where you have been in past lives.

  • SOUL ARCHETYPES: Why some people and places feel good to you, and why others feel terrible.

  • How to measure where fatal injuries occurred to your body in your past incarnations.

  • Discover who YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES are around you, including close relatives who have passed.

  • Techniques to clear past life oaths of poverty, slavery, and servitude.


COST: $99 — or attend both workshops for $158 and save $40



$99 for each workshop — OR SAVE $40 if you are attending both workshops!


Attendees of both workshops will receive a signed premiere copy of Cary’s new book of energy-balancing photos — Nature Heals — a $49.95 value!!

Purchase Your Workshop Ticket(s) Here: